Marvel 616 was a new show being developed for Disney+. The production team wanted comic covers for the opening sequence of each episode. The covers were all specific to the story told in their episodes.
Marvel's Custom team was tasked to create 20 comics about kids who are real life heroes in their communities. The concept was to make the kids into comic book super heroes with super powers and abilities giving each their own exclusive Marvel comic. A huge undertaking like this required a dedicated team of people working around the clock. Sanchez led the creative aspect of the comics including editing and some hands on art and color. He also assembled the creative teams to work on each title and worked hand-in-hand with the writers, artists and project managers to apply the myriad of notes from the producers and documentary team. The project was truly a team effort and the result was something of which everyone was proud to have been a part. 
Tokata, from Hero Project stopped by the Marvel office and we got a few pics.
Tokata, from Hero Project stopped by the Marvel office and we got a few pics.
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